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Reporting and Payment Dates

Each handler is required to report the receipts and utilization as described in §1051.30 to the Market Administrator's office on or before the 9th day after the end of each month. Producer payrolls are due for handlers by the 20th day after the end of the month (§1051.32).

The Producer Price Differential must be announced by the Market Administrator's office on or before the 14th day after the end of each month (§ 1051.62).

Handlers payments to the producer settlement fund shall be received by the 16th of the following month (§1051.71) and payments to handlers from the producer settlement fund are required by the 18th of the following month (§1051.72).

Handler partial payments (first 15 days of the month) to cooperative associations must be received by the second to last day of the month. Final payment to cooperatives associations are required to be received by the 18th of the following month (§1051.73).

Handler partial payments (first 15 days of the month) to independent producers must be received by the last day of the month. Final payment to independent producers are required to be received by the 19th of the following month (§1051.73).

Per section §1000.90, if a date required for a payment contained in a Federal milk order falls on a Saturday, Sunday or national holiday, such payment will be due on the next day that the Market Administrator's office is open for public business.

A schedule for all payment dates is provided below.


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